Featured Exhibitor: BSB Manufacturing

BSB is a supplier of high performance suspension components for all levels of motorsports and racing. The BSB product line includes suspension parts such as birdcages, brake floaters, pinion plates, frame sliders and shocks in both steel and aluminum. BSB also has a new line of coil springs for modifieds, late models and other racing classes. BSB components are utilized by championship-winning teams worldwide and can be found on racetracks all across the United States on any given weekend. BSB is committed to joining your team and helping you to become the best team on the track.

BSB has teamed up with Harris Auto Racing for the 2012 Charlotte Racers Expo. North Carolinian Kyle Strickler will have his Harris chassis on display featuring a full line of BSB components and parts. BSB helps Kyle get to victory lane and wants to show you how they can help you to do the same. Be sure to stop by and visit them at the Charlotte Racers Expo.