Important Pre-Consignment Information:
As a courtesy to our consignors, we will set aside lot numbers as requested for items that consignors know they will be selling. If you get too few numbers, more can be requested before the auction or on the day of the auction consignment check-in. Please call ahead for pre-consignment lot number assignments!
This auction will be conducted by Norville Auction and Real Estate Company of Forest City, NC. Auctioneers include Jay Norville (NCAL #8730) and Keith Norville (NCAL #6559). Auctioneers/auction company are hired as a contractor by the Charlotte Racers Expo (NCALF #10260) and all questions related to the auction and commissions will need to be directed to Donna Or Larry Mcdaniels, at 704-402-4319 or 704-402-4318 of the Charlotte Racers Expo.
Licensed vehicles must be accompanied by proof of ownership such as a Statement of Origin or Title – otherwise your payment will be withheld until you furnish it for the purchaser.
A check will be mailed to the seller within five (5) days of sale.
No Sale Commission:
- A No Sale Commision (NS) is figured on the reserve amount put on items over $200.00. Items selling for under $200.00 must sell, or be bought back by the seller.
- Must have receipt of NS payment to remove from auction.
Seller’s Commission Schedule:
Commission charges on each lot number or split lot, not total of sale. Minimum sale commission per lot or split lot is $5.00.
Amount | Sale | No-Sale | Amount | Sale | No-Sale | |
$5 – $25 | $5 (see minimum) | N/A | $2001 – $4000 | 8% | 3% | |
$25.01-$200 | 20% | N/A | $4001 – UP | 5%($400 max) | 2% | |
$201-$500 | 15% | 5% | ||||
$501 – $2000 | 10% | 4% |
Cars parked in the “car corral” to be sold “by owner” will be subject to a $50 fee. These cars will not be run through the auction.
These Are The Auction Terms:
- You must have signed agreement on file prior to auction, before your consignments can be accepted or sold.
- All commissions are calculated on each individual item and/or lot # sold or split lot.
- You, the consignor, cannot sell your consignment property at private sale after it has been signed in. All consignments must go through the auction. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE (#3).
- We as auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors will have the right to refuse any consignments and/or the selling of any property.
- Auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors of consignment auction will not be liable for payment if property that was purchased through auction has not been settled for. It is up to you, the consignor, to pick property up at the designated place which will be announced at auction time.
- We as auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors will not be responsible for any written, verbal, or hearsay guarantees that might be made. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE (#6).
- We as auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors will not be liable for any consigned property that would be misplaced, stolen or damaged.
- All property will be sold per description sheet and/or on its own merit(s).
- We will not clean or put description tags on any property. This is the duty of the seller.
- You will be given a carbon copy of each Consignment Lot and # as you consign in.
- All Consignment #s will be given on a first-come, first-served basis unless prior arrangements are made.
- All no-sale commissions must be paid before you can remove your property. You will be given a no-sale receipt when you present payment.
- All no-sale commissions will be calculated from reserve price and/or by auctioneer’s judgment of value if reserve price has been inflated by consignor.
- We as auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors will not be held liable to pay for any consignment that has no bidders.
- Any licensed vehicle must have a clear title and be on file in cashier’s office.
- All motors will be SOLD with the right of the successful bidder to remove oil pan and one valve cover to match components card with each engine.
- We invite you, the consignor, to the ring area only when your property is being sold.
- You will be required to help unload your property and wait your turn in line.
- You will be given a copy of this agreement after all your consignments are in and you have signed your signature in full.
- Auctioneers, promoters and/or sponsors shall not be held responsible for any injuries or accidents to persons at address of sale.
- If you buy something you must pay for it and remove it from the building the day you buy it (unless prior arrangements have been made). If your item is run through the auction and it is not sold you must pay the no-sale commission and remove it from the auction building that day.
- Rolling stock, IF ANY (none planned for 2023), is tentatively scheduled to begin selling through the auction at 1:30pm on Saturday, Feb 4.
- Auctions are fun, enjoy yourself.
By signing any registration documents or consigning merchandise, you agree to abide by all rules, regulations and agreements set by the auctioneer and promoter.