The 2020 Auction Catalog is ready to go!
This year’s auction features nearly 1600 lots of top-tier mechandise ready to hit the track with a new owner in 2020.
Complete toolboxes, pit boxes, engine parts, suspension, support equipment, plenty of complete race vehicles (dirt and asphalt) and more are included in this year’s inventory. It’s one of the largest inventories we’ve had in the nine years of this event. Things just keep getting better.
To download this year’s inventory, click here.
(Revised 12:52am ET 2.7.2020)
(Adobe PDF Reader required)
We recommend printing your own catalog or having it handy on your phone during the auction. We will have copies, however they have a small fee attached (usually $1) to cover the last-minute, rush printing charges.
Auction photo gallery: Visit Photo Gallery on Facebook